With global warming at an all-time high and hurricane season swiftly approaching, it is essential that you and your family are protected. Flooding is now an unavoidable fact of life, a situation that can build quickly, and a threat that more than forty-one million Americans are faced with in their daily lives.
Fortunately, Krisis Flood Bags has made it their mission to inform as many people affected by these natural disasters as possible about the phenomena and how they can keep their valuables safe during a crisis.
The best way to ensure that you are protected especially if you live in a flooding-prone area is to be prepared. Apart from planning what you and your family will do to protect yourselves, it is also essential to ensure that you know how your important files, paperwork, electricals, and other valuable objects can survive the disaster, especially when you may not have time to get everything to a safe place.
In this article, we will discuss the common causes of flooding, how long a flood takes to cause damage to homes and possessions, and finally how you can make sure your assets are safe during a flood using our Krisis Flood bags.
What Is A Flood?
Floods are a fairly common occurrence in many parts of the world. An excess of water from torrential rains meeting an area with poor drainage is usually the cause for flooding and can result in damage to properties, livestock, and even lives.
In serious cases, where hurricanes and other tropical storms are involved, rain can fall for many days and flood waters can form with alarming ease. This is usually the most threatening type of flooding and the form that causes the most damage, apart from the tsunami waves and subsequent flooding that may come after an earthquake hits a certain area.
Why Are Krisis Flood Bags Important?
Krisis Flood bags can serve many purposes. One of these is giving you the peace of mind that you can carry your important papers, medical items, and electricals or cash with you when fleeing a dangerous flooding event. However, they can also be used to protect large furniture and other valuable things that you may not be able to replace if damaged or destroyed. They are forms of protection for the objects in your life that are necessary, things that cant be lost.
Is The Safety Of My Valuables An Immediate Threat?
Given the unpredictable nature of flooding, especially in areas prone to other more serious phenomena such as earthquakes and cyclones, your home and belongings could be submerged or swept away within minutes after a disaster.

Krisis Flood Bags are designed to be ready and available before you need to evacuate your home, the idea is to know what you want to keep safe and to bring the items together, zip up the bag over them to completely seal them from water damage, then leave and find shelter immediately.
How Can Krisis Flood Bags Keep My Valuables Safe In A Flood?
Krisis Flood Bags are completely impermeable, they are made of a heavy-duty pc material that is designed specifically to repel water damage and the airtight zippers make sure that even during severe flooding, no water seeps into your belongings.
These cost-effective security solutions come in three convenient sizes, the first being handy. The Handy Krisis Bag is our most affordable size and the most portable. It is ideal for papers, electricals, medical supplies, and small objects of value that you want to bring with you on the go. This particular size is perfect to transport via car in emergency situations and is light enough to be carried from place to place if you’re fleeing a flood.
Our next size is the Intermediate Standard Krisis Bag, big enough for small sofas, coffee tables, lamps, and other small furniture and baskets, this is highly recommended for valuable things you won’t be able to flee with. The idea is that if you are placed on a flood watch, you may have time to gather things and store them away before leaving to get to safety.
The biggest size we offer is our Super Krisis Bag, this size will comfortably hold mattresses, tables, bikes, or other medium-sized furniture that you’d be forced to leave behind in an emergency. Though this is our highest-priced option, we can assure you that investing in protection for your valuables will save money in the long run as possessions that are one of a kind or that you will not be able to replace stand a high chance of surviving any flooding events.